
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gold medals and goodbyes

On Saturday, the kids and I ventured downtown to our market to spend time with our friends, Teresa, Jacob and baby Camila. They are leaving for Australia on Monday.

We also got to see our hometown hero, Kristen Armstrong, gold medalist in cycling at the Olympics. She had returned from Bejing and the town presented her with a key to the city and proclaimed April 16th as her day. It was neat to have the kids see an olympic athlete and Kristen was a friend from college years ago, so I was proud to stand in the crowd cheering for her. We made it to the ceremony, barely, on our bikes. Yes, I was crazy enough to attempt taking two boys on their own bikes, and one four month old in a seat on the back of my bike.....downtown, by myself. What I soon discovered is that when I needed help, strangers stepped up. One man offered to take our picture down at the rally. Two women ran to Alex's side when he got stuck right off the sidewalk and didn't follow Tanner and I across a busy downtown street. Later that night, I heard him pray, "thank you God for sending those angels who told the ladies to help me".

The boys love the fountain with friends, Javi, Jacob and Josiah. As you can see they were very sweaty from our 95 degree weather!


Julie Carroll said...

You get the "woman of the year award"!! I can't believe that you took all the kids down their on bikes! I think you deserve a gold medal!!

Shane and Jill said...

We also had an olympian this year in Bejiing....Shawn Johnson. She is an amazing gymnast and from West Des Moines....It is so exciting when you can support that kind of thing!

Anonymous said...

That is great for your town to have an Olympian. Very exciting!!